Gerhard Richter - Focus Report
• All top 10 MAB from 1985-1994 fetched prices exceeding $37M each when adjusted
for inf lation.
• These top records were achieved with a split of 60% in New York and 40% in London.
• Over 70% of MAB from 1985-1994 fetched prices exceeding $10M each when adjusted
for inf lation.
Market Share by Price Segment
Top 10 MAB (1985-1994) by Inflation Adjusted Price
Artwork Sales Date Auction Price
Inf lation-
Adjusted Price
Abstraktes Bild (599), 1986
10/02/2015 £30 389 000 $59 976 834
Abstraktes Bild (809-4), 1994
12/10/2012 £21 321 250 $45 854 803
A B Still (612-4), 1986
17/11/2016 $33 987 500 $43 371 536
Abstraktes Bild (709), 1989
13/02/2014 £32 563 228 $42 697 012
Abstraktes Bild (648-3), 1987
12/11/2014 $31 525 000 $41 085 210
Abstraktes Bild (809-4), 1994
10/05/2022 $38 175 000 $40 479 382
Abstraktes Bild (636), 1987
14/11/2018 $32 000 000 $39 126 820
Abstraktes Bild (712), 1990
13/05/2014 $29 285 000 $38 176 383
Blau (658), 1988
14/05/2014 $28 725 000 $37 446 358
Wand (Wall) (806), 1994
12/02/2014 £17 442 500 $37 290 616
Market Share by Price Segment
All sales prices include buyers premium
All prices are adjusted for inf lation using the December 2023 US CPIU index consumer price index
AU C T I O N M A R K E T (2 0 0 4-2 0 2 3)