Title Year Medium Dimensions Sales place Sales date
ĐŽŶǀĞƌƚĞĚ ŝŶ h^
Study for Portrait of P.L. No. 1
1957 oil on canvas
198x142cm Sotheby's, London 6/29/2014$7,581,772$9,540,082
Study for Self-Portrait
1980 oil on canvas
35.6x30.5cm Sotheby's, London 6/25/2012$7,041,349$9,177,924
Study for Portrait
1976 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, London 2/11/2013$7,079,940$9,110,084
Man in Blue VII
1954 oil on canvas
152.5x117cm Christie's, Paris 6/7/2016$6,853,135$8,528,249
Study from the Human Body
1991 mixed media on canvas
198x147.5cm Christie's, London 10/21/2020$7,278,822$8,339,691
Study for a Pope VI
1961 oil on canvas
152x119cm Sotheby's, London 2/4/2004$5,138,462$8,222,421
1990 oil on canvas
198x147.5cm Christie's, London 10/12/2022$8,056,091$8,057,442
Sand Dune
1981 mixed media on canvas
198x147.5cm Christie's, London 3/22/2021$6,907,667$7,819,592
Three Studies for Self-Portrait
1976 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, New York 11/8/2005$5,168,000$7,738,035
1958 oil on canvas
196x140cm Sotheby's, New York 11/13/2019$6,642,400$7,695,844
'Man at a Washbasin'
1954 oil on canvas
170.8x135cm Christie's, London 6/24/2019$6,510,512$7,601,535
Elephant Fording a River
1952 oil on canvas
198x137cm Sotheby's, New York 11/8/2011$5,682,500$7,470,877
Three Studies of Isabel Rawsthorne
1966 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Christie's, London 6/23/2004$4,281,239$6,781,555
Two Figures at a Window
1953 oil on canvas
152.5x116.5cm Sotheby's, London 2/8/2006$4,500,174$6,731,339
Study of Portrait of John Edwards
1989 oil on canvas
35.9x30.8cm Christie's, New York 5/12/2008$4,521,000$6,299,672
Painting March 1985
1985 mixed media on canvas
198x147.5cm Christie's, Paris 6/3/2013$4,813,677$6,188,263
Three Studies for Portrait of Lucian Freud
1965 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, New York 11/11/2003$3,816,000$6,152,490
Two Studies for Portrait of Clive Barker
1978 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, New York 11/3/2015$4,842,000$6,071,762
Seated Figure
1979 oil on canvas
198x147.5cm Christie's, New York 5/10/2005$3,936,000$6,057,660
Study for a Portrait
1979 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, New York 11/8/2011$4,394,500$5,777,522
Study for a Portrait
1978 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, London 2/26/2008$4,046,294$5,685,187
1979 mixed media on canvas
198x147.5cm Phillips, New York 11/10/2004$3,592,000$5,612,255
Study for a Portrait
1978 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Christie's, London 2/12/2014$4,411,716$5,589,683
Study for a Portrait
1979 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, Hong Kong 10/5/2020$4,862,455$5,571,145
Study for a Portrait
1978 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, New York 5/8/2012$4,282,500$5,570,406
Studies of Isabel Rawsthorne
1983 mixed media on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, London 10/11/2007$3,682,446$5,263,952
Head (Man in Blue)
1961 oil on canvas
44.5x39cm Sotheby's, London 2/6/2007$3,571,851$5,234,110
Interior of a Room
1934 oil on canvas
112x86.5cm Phillips, London 6/26/2018$4,295,914$5,106,742
Study of a Figure
1954 oil on canvas
106x98cm Sotheby's, London 6/25/2018$4,183,267$4,972,833
Study for Self-Portrait
1973 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, London 6/22/2004$2,864,737$4,537,792
'Seated Man'
1957 oil on canvas
140x110cm Sotheby's, London 6/29/2014$3,574,957$4,498,340
'Figure Crouching'
1949 mixed media on canvas
179.6x121.3cm Sotheby's, Paris 10/23/2022$3,971,462$3,972,128
Figure with Monkey
1951 oil on canvas
66x56cm Sotheby's, London 10/2/2019$3,413,284$3,965,537
Figure with Monkey
1951 oil on canvas
66x56cm Sotheby's, London 2/14/2012$2,877,040$3,764,364
'Painted Screen'
1930 oil on plywood
183x61cm Christie's, London 10/3/2018$3,117,316$3,684,241
'Seated Man'
1957 oil on canvas
140x110cm Christie's, London 6/27/2022$3,566,459$3,563,851
Studies of Isabel Rawsthorne
1983 mixed media on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Christie's, London 2/13/2012$2,713,621$3,550,544
Two Figures
1961 mixed media on canvas
198.5x142cm Christie's, New York 11/7/2005$2,368,000$3,545,601
Studies of Isabel Rawsthorne
1983 mixed media on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, London 10/4/2017$2,634,455$3,186,896
Head I
1958 oil on canvas
61x51cm Sotheby's, London 10/14/2015$2,236,496$2,807,292
Study for a Portrait
1954 oil on canvas
66x53.5cm Sotheby's, London 10/16/2014$2,006,919$2,519,345
1949 oil on canvas
81x60cm Sotheby's, Paris 12/3/2019$1,875,554$2,168,934
'Study for Portrait'
1987 mixed media on canvas
53.5x46cm Christie's, London 6/29/2009$1,441,435$2,017,205
1949 oil on canvas
81x60cm Sotheby's, London 6/25/2012$1,546,877$2,016,251
Figures in a Landscape
1954 oil on cardboard
66x51cm Sotheby's, London 10/17/2014$1,510,056$1,895,619
1967 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Christie's, London 2/5/2008$1,096,679$1,540,873
Study for a Portrait
1979 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Christie's, London 2/4/2003$918,413$1,499,397
1948 oil on fibreboard
65.5x55.5cm Sotheby's, London 2/27/2008$928,458$1,304,517
House in Barbados
1952 oil on canvas
66x56cm Christie's, London 6/26/2012$940,482$1,225,855
'Lisa Sainsbury' (?)
1955 oil on canvas
50.2x64.7cm Sotheby's, Paris 12/8/2015$918,201$1,150,030
1948 oil on fibreboard
65.5x55.5cm Phillips, London 3/2/2022$1,029,306$1,066,527
'Landscape with Colonnade'
1945 oil on paper laid on fibreboard
94x74cm Sotheby's, London 2/12/2014$780,783$989,259
1930 oil on canvas
91.5x61cm Christie's, London 10/3/2018$710,172$839,326
1948 oil on fibreboard
65.5x55.5cm Sotheby's, London 6/29/2011$599,502$794,991
'Lisa Sainsbury' (?)
1955 oil on canvas
50.2x64.7cm Sotheby's, London 10/11/2012$541,159$698,335
'Landscape with Colonnade'
1945 oil on paper laid on fibreboard
94x74cm Sotheby's, London 2/27/2008$476,615$669,661
Study for Portrait of John Edwards
1986 mixed media on canvas
198x1475cm Sothebys London 7272020 Withdrawn
Study of Red Pope 1962 Second Version
1971 oil on canvas
198x1475cm Christies London 1052017 Unsold
Two Studies for Portrait
1976 oil on canvas
355x305cm Christies New York 1192015 Withdrawn
Study for a Pope I
1961 oil on canvas
152x119cm Sothebys London 6302015 Unsold
Man on a ChaiseLongue
1953 oil on canvas
152x118cm Sothebys New York 5112015 Withdrawn
Head I
1958 oil on canvas
61x51cm Christies London 6302014 Unsold
Study for Portrait
1981 mixed media on canvas
198x1475cm Christies New York 5142013 Withdrawn
Study for Portrait of PL
1962 oil and sand on canvas
198x145cm Sothebys New York 5132013 Unsold
Interior of a Room
1934 oil on canvas
112x865cm Sothebys New York 1182011 Withdrawn
Study of a Man Talking
1981 mixed media on canvas
198x1475cm Christies New York 1172011 Unsold
1967 oil on canvas
305x355cm Christies London 10142010 Unsold
Man in Blue VI
1954 oil on canvas
151x118cm Christies London 2102009 Unsold
Two Figures
1961 oil and sand on canvas
1985x142cm Sothebys Paris 1292008 Unsold
Study for SelfPortrait
1964 oil on canvas
1524x140cm Christies New York 11112008 Unsold
Portrait of Henrietta Moraes
1969 oil on canvas
355x305cm Christies London 10182008 Unsold
Figure Turning
1962 oil on canvas
198x145cm Sothebys London 6302008 Unsold
Man Carrying a Child
1956 oil on canvas
198x142cm Christies New York 582006 Unsold
Pope and Chimpanzee
1960 oil on canvas
165x1422cm Sothebys New York 1182004 Unsold
Title Year Medium Dimensions Sales place Sales date
ĐŽŶǀĞƌƚĞĚ ŝŶ h^
Three Studies of Lucian Freud
1969 oil on canvas
197.8x147.5cm Christie's, New York 11/11/2013$142,404,992$181,678,515
1976 mixed media on canvas
198x147.5cm Sotheby's, New York 5/13/2008$86,281,000$120,226,049
Three Studies for a Portrait of John Edwards
1984 mixed media on canvas
198.3x148cm Christie's, New York 5/12/2014$80,805,000$101,869,767
Triptych Inspired by the Oresteia of Aeschylus
1981 oil on canvas
198x147.5cm Sotheby's, New York 6/28/2020$84,550,000$98,480,018
Portrait of George Dyer Talking
1966 oil on canvas
198.2x147.3cm Christie's, London 2/12/2014$70,207,152$88,953,089
Study from Innocent X
1962 oil on canvas
198x141.5cm Sotheby's, New York 5/14/2007$52,680,000$76,271,176
Triptych 1974-1977
1974-1977 mixed media on canvas
198x147.5cm Christie's, London 2/5/2008$51,759,678$72,724,184
Second Version of Study for Bullfight No. 1
1969 oil on canvas
197.7x148cm Sotheby's, New York 11/13/2007$45,961,000$65,497,995
Three Studies for a Portrait of George Dyer
1963 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Christie's, New York 5/16/2017$51,767,500$63,198,015
1978 oil on canvas
198x147.5cm Sotheby's, London 6/20/2007$43,013,753$62,019,859
Portrait of Henrietta Moraes
1963 oil on canvas
165x142.5cm Christie's, New York 5/12/2015$47,765,000$60,279,397
Study for Portrait
1977 mixed media on canvas
198x147.5cm Christie's, New York 5/16/2018$49,812,500$59,364,147
Study for a Head
1952 mixed media on canvas
66x56cm Sotheby's, New York 5/15/2019$50,380,000$58,859,954
Figure Writing Reflected in Mirror
1976 mixed media on canvas
198x147cm Sotheby's, New York 5/8/2012$44,882,500$58,380,326
1964 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, London 6/29/2014$45,455,707$57,196,548
Seated Figure
1960 oil on canvas
152.5x118cm Christie's, New York 11/11/2014$44,965,000$56,457,087
Study of Nude with Figure in a Mirror
1969 oil on canvas
198x147.5cm Sotheby's, London 2/26/2008$39,651,301$55,711,486
Study for Portrait of Lucian Freud
1964 oil on canvas
198x147.5cm Sotheby's, London 6/28/2022$52,636,948$53,133,146
Triptych 1986 - 7
1986 mixed media on canvas
198x147.5cm Christie's, London 2/28/2022$51,217,480$53,069,589
Three Studies for Portrait of Lucian Freud
1964 oil on canvas
35x30cm Sotheby's, London 2/9/2011$37,039,050$49,920,589
Three Studies for Self Portrait
1975 oil on canvas
35.5x30.4cm Christie's, London 6/29/2008$34,495,710$47,784,400
Study of Red Pope, 1962, Second Version
1971 oil on canvas
198x147.5cm Sotheby's, New York 5/18/2022$46,284,500$47,338,579
1969 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, New York 11/13/2007$33,081,000$47,142,995
Three Studies of George Dyer
1966 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, New York 11/15/2017$38,614,000$46,675,114
Portrait of Henrietta Moraes
1963 oil on canvas
165x142.5cm Christie's, London 2/13/2012$33,613,826$43,980,851
Study for Self-Portrait
1964 oil on canvas
152.4x140cm Christie's, London 6/26/2012$33,701,314$43,927,394
Two Studies for a Self-Portrait
1970 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, New York 5/10/2016$34,970,000$43,620,609
Study for Portrait II
1956 oil on canvas
152.5x116.5cm Christie's, London 2/7/2007$27,631,060$40,489,934
Three Studies for Self-Portrait
1976 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Christie's, New York 5/12/2008$28,041,000$39,073,013
1953 oil on canvas
152.3x94cm Sotheby's, New York 11/12/2012$29,762,500$38,303,553
Study for a Portrait
1953 oil on canvas
198x137cm Christie's, London 6/27/2011$28,719,619$38,084,674
Study for Head of George Dyer
1967 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, London 6/30/2008$27,418,310$37,586,750
Pope with Owls'
1958 oil on canvas
145x109cm Phillips, New York 11/16/2021$33,000,000$35,567,793
Seated Woman
1961 oil on canvas
165x142cm Phillips, New York 5/13/2015$28,165,000$35,544,210
Version No. 2 of Lying Figure with Hypodermic Syringe
1968 oil on canvas
198x147.5cm Christie's, London 6/29/2016$27,178,437$33,821,672
Three Studies for Self-Portrait
1974 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Christie's, New York 5/10/2011$25,282,500$33,633,432
Figure in Movement
1972 mixed media on canvas
198x147.5cm Christie's, London 10/3/2018$25,781,351$30,470,031
1975 mixed media on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, London 6/30/2015$23,981,467$30,081,854
Three Studies for Portrait of Lucian Freud
1964 oil on canvas
35x30cm Sotheby's, New York 11/15/2022$30,000,000$29,976,169
Three Studies for Self-Portrait
1979 oil on canvas
35.6x30.5cm Christie's, New York 11/8/2022$29,015,000$28,991,951
Three Studies for Self-Portrait
1980 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, London 6/30/2015$23,101,932$28,978,583
Figure Turning
1962 oil on canvas
198x145cm Christie's, New York 5/12/2014$22,565,000$28,447,389
Two Studies for Self-Portrait
1977 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, London 2/9/2015$22,377,910$28,418,354
Seated Woman
1961 oil on canvas
165x142cm Sotheby's, Paris 12/11/2007$20,070,706$28,379,286
Three Studies for Self-Portrait
1980 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, London 2/11/2013$21,549,092$27,728,205
Three Studies for Portrait of Henrietta Moraes
1963 oil on canvas
35x30.5cm Sotheby's, London 10/13/2022$27,242,152$27,246,722
Three Studies for a Self-Portrait
1967 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, New York 11/8/2011$19,682,500$25,876,910
Study of Henrietta Moraes
1969 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Christie's, New York 11/14/2018$21,687,500$25,568,508
Study for Head of Lucian Freud
1967 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Christie's, London 6/30/2014$19,682,689$24,733,891
1975 mixed media on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, London 6/25/2019$20,990,547$24,508,113
1967 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Christie's, London 6/29/2015$19,166,667$24,108,815
Study from the Human Body (Man Turning on Light)
1973 mixed media on canvas
200.6x148.4cm Christie's, London 10/13/2007$16,458,673$23,527,204
Three Studies of Isabel Rawsthorne
1966 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, London 6/25/2013$17,400,524$22,369,391
Version No. 2 of Lying Figure with Hypodermic Syringe
1968 oil on canvas
198x147.5cm Sotheby's, New York 11/13/2006$15,024,000$22,183,431
Two Men Working in a Field
1971 oil on canvas
198x147.5cm Christie's, London 6/29/2015$16,875,197$21,226,487
Head III
1949 oil on canvas
81x66cm Sotheby's, London 6/25/2013$16,105,028$20,703,954
1962 oil on canvas
198x141.5cm Sotheby's, New York 11/10/2015$15,650,000$19,624,759
Study for a Head
1955 oil on canvas
101.5x76cm Christie's, London 2/10/2015$15,330,232$19,468,305
Figure In Movement
1985 mixed media on canvas
198x147.5cm Sotheby's, New York 11/8/2010$14,082,500$19,166,627
Head with Raised Arm
1955 oil on canvas
61x51cm Christie's, London 10/5/2017$15,066,584$18,226,021
Crouching Nude
1961 oil on canvas
197.5x142cm Sotheby's, London 6/28/2011$13,328,933$17,675,306
Study for Portrait
1981 mixed media on canvas
198x147.5cm Sotheby's, New York 5/15/2019$14,501,500$16,942,390
Three Studies for a Portrait
1976 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Christie's, London 3/5/2018$13,860,615$16,565,235
Study for a Pope I
1961 oil on canvas
152x119cm Christie's, New York 11/7/2005$10,096,000$15,116,719
Two Men Working in a Field
1971 oil on canvas
198x147.5cm Christie's, London 6/19/2007$10,063,644$14,510,377
Portrait of George Dyer Staring into a Mirror
1967 oil on canvas
198x147.5cm Christie's, London 6/22/2005$8,992,531$13,847,011
Study from Portrait of Pope Innocent X by Vel
1959 oil on canvas
152.5x119.5cm Christie's, London 2/7/2006$9,002,094$13,465,289
1969 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Christie's, London 2/7/2006$9,002,094$13,465,289
Figure on a Dais'
1958 oil on canvas
190x140cm Christie's, Paris 5/29/2007$9,230,769$13,364,495
Man with Arm Raised
1960 oil on canvas
101.5x63.5cm Sotheby's, New York 11/3/2015$10,330,000$12,953,595
'Crouching Nude'
1952 mixed media on canvas
196.8x136.5cm Christie's, New York 5/10/2011$9,602,500$12,774,252
Landscape with Car
1945 oil on canvas
144x128.6cm Christie's, London 6/19/2007$8,504,375$12,262,129
Study for Head of Isabel Rawsthorne
1967 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, New York 11/12/2012$9,322,500$11,997,812
Turning Figure
1963 oil on canvas
198x147.5cm Sotheby's, London 2/10/2020$9,081,751$10,466,051
Study for Self-Portrait
1979 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Christie's, New York 11/12/2019$9,014,500$10,444,145
Three Studies for Self-Portrait
1980 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Christie's, London 6/21/2006$7,041,890$10,428,573
1958 oil on canvas
198.5x142cm Sotheby's, Paris 5/25/2008$7,289,171$10,156,908
Man in Blue VI
1954 oil on canvas
151x118cm Christie's, London 2/12/2013$7,782,694$10,014,349
Two Figures
1975 oil on canvas
197.2x70.3cm Christie's, London 2/10/2016$7,928,105$9,945,059
Title Year Medium Dimensions Sales place Sales date
ĐŽŶǀĞƌƚĞĚ ŝŶ h^
Study for Portrait of P.L. No. 1
1957 oil on canvas
198x142cm Sotheby's, London 6/29/2014$7,581,772$9,540,082
Study for Self-Portrait
1980 oil on canvas
35.6x30.5cm Sotheby's, London 6/25/2012$7,041,349$9,177,924
Study for Portrait
1976 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, London 2/11/2013$7,079,940$9,110,084
Man in Blue VII
1954 oil on canvas
152.5x117cm Christie's, Paris 6/7/2016$6,853,135$8,528,249
Study from the Human Body
1991 mixed media on canvas
198x147.5cm Christie's, London 10/21/2020$7,278,822$8,339,691
Study for a Pope VI
1961 oil on canvas
152x119cm Sotheby's, London 2/4/2004$5,138,462$8,222,421
1990 oil on canvas
198x147.5cm Christie's, London 10/12/2022$8,056,091$8,057,442
Sand Dune
1981 mixed media on canvas
198x147.5cm Christie's, London 3/22/2021$6,907,667$7,819,592
Three Studies for Self-Portrait
1976 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, New York 11/8/2005$5,168,000$7,738,035
1958 oil on canvas
196x140cm Sotheby's, New York 11/13/2019$6,642,400$7,695,844
'Man at a Washbasin'
1954 oil on canvas
170.8x135cm Christie's, London 6/24/2019$6,510,512$7,601,535
Elephant Fording a River
1952 oil on canvas
198x137cm Sotheby's, New York 11/8/2011$5,682,500$7,470,877
Three Studies of Isabel Rawsthorne
1966 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Christie's, London 6/23/2004$4,281,239$6,781,555
Two Figures at a Window
1953 oil on canvas
152.5x116.5cm Sotheby's, London 2/8/2006$4,500,174$6,731,339
Study of Portrait of John Edwards
1989 oil on canvas
35.9x30.8cm Christie's, New York 5/12/2008$4,521,000$6,299,672
Painting March 1985
1985 mixed media on canvas
198x147.5cm Christie's, Paris 6/3/2013$4,813,677$6,188,263
Three Studies for Portrait of Lucian Freud
1965 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, New York 11/11/2003$3,816,000$6,152,490
Two Studies for Portrait of Clive Barker
1978 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, New York 11/3/2015$4,842,000$6,071,762
Seated Figure
1979 oil on canvas
198x147.5cm Christie's, New York 5/10/2005$3,936,000$6,057,660
Study for a Portrait
1979 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, New York 11/8/2011$4,394,500$5,777,522
Study for a Portrait
1978 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, London 2/26/2008$4,046,294$5,685,187
1979 mixed media on canvas
198x147.5cm Phillips, New York 11/10/2004$3,592,000$5,612,255
Study for a Portrait
1978 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Christie's, London 2/12/2014$4,411,716$5,589,683
Study for a Portrait
1979 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, Hong Kong 10/5/2020$4,862,455$5,571,145
Study for a Portrait
1978 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, New York 5/8/2012$4,282,500$5,570,406
Studies of Isabel Rawsthorne
1983 mixed media on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, London 10/11/2007$3,682,446$5,263,952
Head (Man in Blue)
1961 oil on canvas
44.5x39cm Sotheby's, London 2/6/2007$3,571,851$5,234,110
Interior of a Room
1934 oil on canvas
112x86.5cm Phillips, London 6/26/2018$4,295,914$5,106,742
Study of a Figure
1954 oil on canvas
106x98cm Sotheby's, London 6/25/2018$4,183,267$4,972,833
Study for Self-Portrait
1973 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, London 6/22/2004$2,864,737$4,537,792
'Seated Man'
1957 oil on canvas
140x110cm Sotheby's, London 6/29/2014$3,574,957$4,498,340
'Figure Crouching'
1949 mixed media on canvas
179.6x121.3cm Sotheby's, Paris 10/23/2022$3,971,462$3,972,128
Figure with Monkey
1951 oil on canvas
66x56cm Sotheby's, London 10/2/2019$3,413,284$3,965,537
Figure with Monkey
1951 oil on canvas
66x56cm Sotheby's, London 2/14/2012$2,877,040$3,764,364
'Painted Screen'
1930 oil on plywood
183x61cm Christie's, London 10/3/2018$3,117,316$3,684,241
'Seated Man'
1957 oil on canvas
140x110cm Christie's, London 6/27/2022$3,566,459$3,563,851
Studies of Isabel Rawsthorne
1983 mixed media on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Christie's, London 2/13/2012$2,713,621$3,550,544
Two Figures
1961 mixed media on canvas
198.5x142cm Christie's, New York 11/7/2005$2,368,000$3,545,601
Studies of Isabel Rawsthorne
1983 mixed media on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Sotheby's, London 10/4/2017$2,634,455$3,186,896
Head I
1958 oil on canvas
61x51cm Sotheby's, London 10/14/2015$2,236,496$2,807,292
Study for a Portrait
1954 oil on canvas
66x53.5cm Sotheby's, London 10/16/2014$2,006,919$2,519,345
1949 oil on canvas
81x60cm Sotheby's, Paris 12/3/2019$1,875,554$2,168,934
'Study for Portrait'
1987 mixed media on canvas
53.5x46cm Christie's, London 6/29/2009$1,441,435$2,017,205
1949 oil on canvas
81x60cm Sotheby's, London 6/25/2012$1,546,877$2,016,251
Figures in a Landscape
1954 oil on cardboard
66x51cm Sotheby's, London 10/17/2014$1,510,056$1,895,619
1967 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Christie's, London 2/5/2008$1,096,679$1,540,873
Study for a Portrait
1979 oil on canvas
35.5x30.5cm Christie's, London 2/4/2003$918,413$1,499,397
1948 oil on fibreboard
65.5x55.5cm Sotheby's, London 2/27/2008$928,458$1,304,517
House in Barbados
1952 oil on canvas
66x56cm Christie's, London 6/26/2012$940,482$1,225,855
'Lisa Sainsbury' (?)
1955 oil on canvas
50.2x64.7cm Sotheby's, Paris 12/8/2015$918,201$1,150,030
1948 oil on fibreboard
65.5x55.5cm Phillips, London 3/2/2022$1,029,306$1,066,527
Landscape with Colonnade
1945 oil on paper laid on fibreboard
94x74cm Sothebys London 2122014780783989259
1930 oil on canvas
915x61cm Christies London 1032018710172839326
1948 oil on fibreboard
655x555cm Sothebys London 6292011599502794991
Lisa Sainsbury
1955 oil on canvas
502x647cm Sothebys London 10112012541159698335
Landscape with Colonnade
1945 oil on paper laid on fibreboard
94x74cm Sothebys London 2272008476615669661
Study for Portrait of John Edwards
1986 mixed media on canvas
198x1475cm Sothebys London 7272020 Withdrawn
Study of Red Pope 1962 Second Version
1971 oil on canvas
198x1475cm Christies London 1052017 Unsold
Two Studies for Portrait
1976 oil on canvas
355x305cm Christies New York 1192015 Withdrawn
Study for a Pope I
1961 oil on canvas
152x119cm Sothebys London 6302015 Unsold
Man on a ChaiseLongue
1953 oil on canvas
152x118cm Sothebys New York 5112015 Withdrawn
Head I
1958 oil on canvas
61x51cm Christies London 6302014 Unsold
Study for Portrait
1981 mixed media on canvas
198x1475cm Christies New York 5142013 Withdrawn
Study for Portrait of PL
1962 oil and sand on canvas
198x145cm Sothebys New York 5132013 Unsold
Interior of a Room
1934 oil on canvas
112x865cm Sothebys New York 1182011 Withdrawn
Study of a Man Talking
1981 mixed media on canvas
198x1475cm Christies New York 1172011 Unsold
1967 oil on canvas
305x355cm Christies London 10142010 Unsold
Man in Blue VI
1954 oil on canvas
151x118cm Christies London 2102009 Unsold
Two Figures
1961 oil and sand on canvas
1985x142cm Sothebys Paris 1292008 Unsold
Study for SelfPortrait
1964 oil on canvas
1524x140cm Christies New York 11112008 Unsold
Portrait of Henrietta Moraes
1969 oil on canvas
355x305cm Christies London 10182008 Unsold
Figure Turning
1962 oil on canvas
198x145cm Sothebys London 6302008 Unsold
Man Carrying a Child
1956 oil on canvas
198x142cm Christies New York 582006 Unsold
Pope and Chimpanzee
1960 oil on canvas
165x1422cm Sothebys New York 1182004 Unsold
Artist Report - Francis Bacon